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Where I Am - And I Have Had Enough!

Updated: Apr 13

People will believe the lie if you tell the lie long enough and enough times. This is what is happening among many Christians and to millions of citizens today.

This has always been the case in politics but now it is a cancer metastasizing through the body of the evangelical church in America.

I am a Dallas Theological Seminary graduate, and a member for over three decades of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, Texas.

For all of my adult life, I used to refer to myself as evangelical, but not anymore. I am ashamed of what "evangelical" has come to mean and represent in America.

Dr. Tony Evans has been my pastor for nearly 40 years. I am right of center, formerly a lifelong Republican, a native Texan, and voted for Donald Trump in 2016. Former longtime proud member and supporter of the NRA, all that.

Not a "left-wing libtard" by any stretch of the imagination - not even close, so don't even try it. Sticks and stones may break my bones but your words can never break me!

The United States of America is not the Kingdom of Heaven.

America is a multi-cultural, multi-faith, no-faith, representative democracy and neither Jesus nor God ever sat in the Oval Office. These "Christians" in the Christian nationalist, MAGA movement don't know the difference between the Kingdom and Congress.

It is counterfeit Christianity. It is convoluted Christianity. It is exclusionary Christianity. It is Christianity defined by their politics. It is not Christianity.

They insult God by saying he's been "taken out of the schools and taken out of the government." It's because they don't know who God is.

Humans can't "take God" out of nowhere! Some of us, me included, have had enough.

No more biting my tongue, and wringing my hands, for fear of MAGA maniacs or angry people who hide behind the cross coming for me. Come on.

If you're bad enough to get through the Holy Spirit, and Jesus and God himself to get to me - come on. I fear no human. If those of us who know better don't step up and do better what good are we as leaders? As servants? As true representatives of the Kingdom?

We are a country in crisis. It isn't my place to call anyone out because I am no one's god. I just know that I can no longer, not say and not do anything. Whether it is through CIPS, Inc. or seminars, organizational trainings, speaking, podcasting, teaching, or leading.

We celebrated the Resurrection a week ago. Jesus gave his all for you and me. Not quid pro quo, but all to Him we do owe.

I owe Republicans, nothing. I owe Democrats, nothing. But I do owe my King and Lord everything. And going forward that is what I am going to give. My all. He has been too good to me and faithful to me and my family for me to continue to watch and create cute memes on social media and watch all of this madness continue, without putting to use every scintilla of talents, skills, and knowledge I have been blessed with by God to use for God.

What does or will all of this look like? I do not know. But I do know this. As Charles Stanley, who is now home with the Lord, long taught, "obey God, and leave all the consequences to Him." I am starting here.

Unlike many of these name-calling, angry "Christian" folk, I am well-trained, well-read, and humble in the knowledge of who I know I am in light of who I know God is.

For God I live and for God I'll die. Let's go.

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